As a child my grandmother would often remind me
“you sure do like to talk” in attempt to quiet me. My teachers questioned my mother asking “have you thought about putting Shakia on ADHD medication?” in an attempt to subdue my high energy. During my younger years my love for conversation and my natural energy was looked at as something to be suppressed. Well, well, well isn’t it interesting that my ability to captivate people with conversation and my high energy are two of the qualities that I am often praised for in my latter years? They are the very traits that make me a sought after speaker. I am told countlessly how my words are going to “change people’s lives” and my energy is “contagious.” Those two traits, which were once frowned upon, are exactly what are putting smiles on the faces and in the hearts of the people I come into contact with today." - Shakia
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Through her transparent talks, engaging workshops & purpose filled events,
Shakia has had the privilege to work with hundreds of youth & adults
helping them to recognize their worth & utilize their voices.
It is her innovativeness, compassion & ability to thread humor within her
thought provoking speeches that has been changing the lives of many for nearly 10 years.
Shakia has a Bachelor’s of Social Work from Elizabeth City State University &
a Masters of Social Work from Fordham University.
I decided to live an sexual abstinent lifestyle at the age of 13 and have stayed committed. In 2017, I published my book
The Decison, providing tips on livinge the abstinence lifestlye. I soon realized that
abstinence was not being talked about, though there were thousands of people living the lifestyle. So,I set out to make abstinence visible.
- Shakia
Shakia created the
The Sexless Tribe social resource app. The app makes it easy for
sexually abstinent people to find accountability partners, access to resources, form friendships, and
make romantic connections.
IN 2020
The Decision is a conversational style book that invites readers to travel Shakia's journey as she recounts some of her most disappointing, tempting and rewarding moments while practicing abstinence. Are you on your own abstinent journey? Are you contemplating the journey, but are unsure? Well, YOU NEED THIS BOOK!
Abstinent testimonies from men & women
Tips on how to overcome difficult situations
176 easy read pages
I longed to have a teacher that I could see myself in and be taught by. A teacher that did not overlook me, but saw my potential. Well, in 2007, that day came as I stepped onto the Campus of Thee Elizabeth City State University. For the next four years I would swim in that sea with black scholars, being taught by teachers who looked liked me and pushed me to succeed. I would be chosen to be apart of scholar programs that allowed me to travel as far as South Africa to conduct research for two months. As you read this I want you to understand why this was so special to me. I was a student who for most of my life was deemed as having behavioral problems. Who was happy when she would see a C on her report card (and those came far and few). It was not until high school that I began to sprout, but it was my beloved HBCU that watered me to bloom. To bloom into the author, speaker and entrepreneur I am today. I tear up as I write this. Reason being, is I know it was being around young black scholars, taught by professors who didn't allow me to settle for anything less than a B and the many words spoken into me while attending my HBCU that gave me the confidence to go into the world and blaze the trails I have. - Shakia

$500in scholarship
money raised!